Marloes Vredenborg
PhD candidate | Utrecht University | Dutch Railways | Human-Centred Computing Group     




Bachelor Theses


Coordinator | '23 - current | Information Science | Utrecht University

Information Science bachelor theses in which students are doing a research project as  mandatory final part of the bachelor's degree Information Science.


  • Coordinate 100+ bachelor theses annually, from supervisor assignment to final presentations.
  • Provide and presents session to students and supervisors on the process of a bachelor thesis.

Advanced HCI qualitative research methods

Lecturer | '21 - '22 / '22 - '23 / '22 - '24 | Master | Human Computer Interaction | Utrecht University

Human Computer Interaction master course in which students design and conduct qualitative HCI user studies, analyze and report qualitative data and consider the ethics, bias, data protection and privacy issues related to HCI research.


  • Teaching several full lectures
  • Improving course assignment
  • Coordinating practical's
  • Coordinating and grading assignments

Men, Society and ICT

Practical's Coordinator | '22 - '23 | Bachelor | Information Science | Utrecht University

Information Science bachelor course on the role IT plays in our current information society and how people function in it.


  • Develop new course assignments
  • Coordinating practical's 
  • Coordinating and grading assignments
  • Managing teaching assistants

Advanced HCI quantitative research methods
Teaching Assistant | 20 - '21 | Master | Human Computer Interaction | Utrecht University
Human Computer Interaction master course in which students learn about quantitative methods used in HCI research, including the design of research studies, metrics and scales, and concepts such as reliability and validity.


  • Support the development of new course assignments
  • Support grading practical's

2024 | Human Computer Interaction | Daily supervisor

Optimizing healthcare processes with user-friendly insights on the data

2024 | Human Computer Interaction | Daily supervisor 

How Safe Do We Feel?: Development and Validation of a Scale to Measure Perceived Personal Safety Fostered through Technology during Door-to-Door Transportation

2024 | Human Computer Interaction | Daily Supervisor

Empowering Temporary Mobility-Impaired Travelers with Technological Accessibility Features for the Dutch Railway System

2023 | Human Computer Interaction | Daily supervisor

Traveling with a chatbot: How to adapt chatbot personality to different traveler types


2024 | Information Science | First supervisor

Data-based prediction of soccer players transfer fees

2024 | Information Science | First supervisor
Explanation in Public Transport Route Recommendation: Design and Evaluation

2023 | Information Science | First supervisor

Based on what you previously liked: Using algorithms to personalise web shops for women’s clothes

2023 | Information Science | First supervisor

Overloaded by coffee: mitigating information overload to help coffee consumers make more informed purchasing decisions

2023 | Information Science | First supervisor

The effects of social norms on young adults'  intentions towards meat reduction

2022 | Information Science | First supervisor

Helping elderly by introducing a multi-step interface design in a railway travel planner

2022 | Information Science | First supervisor

The relationship between personality and susceptibility to persuasive technologies in a fitness application

2022 | Information Science | First supervisor

Play-to-earn: an exploratory study into the user-experience of earning real-word money in gaming